sábado, 5 de octubre de 2013


This year at the ASC we are proud to present our new KANGAROO CLUB for kids.

The Kangaroo Club is for those of you who have already participated in our intensive surfing courses and want to continue practicing surfing and English.

Winter is the best season for surfing in Valencia and while the water is cold (yes, you'll need a wetsuit) the waves can be great so don't miss out.

Our winter classes are held every Saturday (depending on the waves) from 10:30-12:00, 12:30 - 14:00 or 16:00 -17:30.

As always here at ASC we are trying to keep the price as low as it can go so this year we have frozen our winter prices at only 10 EUROS PER CHILD all included.

So what are you waiting for? Lets go surfing!

Thank you all for helping us make 2013 the most successful year ever at the Aussie Surf Club.

We hope you enjoyed participating in the classes as much as we enjoyed giving them.

Here's a video of some of our favorite moments.

We are looking forward to seeing you all again in 2014 until then keep surfing and keep practicing English.

Salulos y buenas olas.


Gracias por ayudarnos a hacer de 2013 el año de más éxito en Aussie Surf Club.

Esperamos que hayais disfrutado participando en las clases tanto como nosotros enseñando.

Aquí va un video con algunos de los mejores momentos.

Esperamos veros a todos otra vez en 2014. Hasta entonces, seguid haciendo surf y practicando inglés.

Saludos y buenas olas.